Hump Day Health Hack with @amysfitnessandnutrition
You Don’t Put A Roof On Without Walls

Let’s Get Back To Basics
In a world as noisy as ours sometimes it’s important to be reminded that you probably don’t need the roof (the new probiotic yoghurt, the keto cereal or the vegan bliss balls) before the walls are sorted. Food confidence should start with the basics, some simple planning, and home-cooked food.

Confident Meal Planning
This health hack was inspired by the girls from The Confidence Equation and their post about Confident Meal Planning. It’s such a simple thing. The world of health and nutrition can seem confusing at times with a million health messages blasted at us in the supermarket, on café menus… not to mention social media dripping with tips. Here is a simple guide on how to start and why you should…
Where To Begin?
- Use A Weekly Meal Planner
- Write Down All Meals & Snacks You Want To Be Prepared For (Be Realistic)
- Write A Shopping List For What You Need
- Have Tupperware Ready For Any Meals/Snacks You Take To Work
- Don’t Be Afraid To Make Up To 4-5 Portions For The Week
- Be Happy To Freeze Food If You Need

The Benefits Of Planning
Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail – as the army saying goes!
Writing down, planning, and preparing your meals for the week means you are far more likely to stick to what you had planned. No one eats kale when it’s an off-the-cuff decision…
Kinder To The Planet & Your Wallet – If you plan ahead it means less wastage at the end of the week. We all know that soggy lettuce at the bottom of the fridge that you had intentions of eating and never did. If that same lettuce is chopped up into meals ahead of time for the week it’s unlikely it’ll be there come Friday.

A Treat For Your Brain – Knowing you have good meals ready to go leaves you mental capacity for all the other mental challenges that may pop up throughout the week. Think free and easy knowing your food (at least) is sorted.
What do you reckon? Will you give it a go? If you’ve got a question or any feedback be sure to get in touch!