Lifts with Benefits
Learn how to incorporate the three main barbell lifts into your gym routine.
Invest in yourself and train with confidence.
Do you want to have a good understanding of the basic movement patterns and muscle activation for The Big 3 lifts - Squat / Bench / Deadlift?
Do you want to know how best to integrate each of these lifts into your training programs?
Do you want to learn how to achieve the correct form for each lift, so you actually target what you desire?
Do you want to feel more confident and comfortable training at the gym?
Sound familiar?
The good news is you are not alone.
Invest in yourself and train with confidence.
The next course starts soon, spaces are limited.

“Squats, Benches and Deadlifts - I couldn't possibly do those"
Lets break it down for you and show you how you can.
We are all born with the innate ability to move in certain ways as humans; beyond some initial adjustments allowing for individual (body) variation there is no reason you shouldn't be able to squat, press and pull an object!
“I don’t need to do those big lifts. I can get the same benefits by doing isolation exercises alone"
Possibly you can - however, these big lifts hit far more muscle groups at once…meaning a greater likelihood you can achieve faster and far more maximal strength / muscle development gains.
Time efficiency may also be increased because you don't have to spend hours working out doing ‘a zillion’ isolation exercises (also you don't tend to fatigue the same and your work quality doesn't drop).

Learn to lift safely
Learn correct movement patterns & muscle activation
Learn when and how to integrate certain types of lift
More self-confidence
Reduced stress
Fat loss
Increased muscle tone
Reduced risk of heart disease
Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
Increased bone density
Reduced risk of injuries
The feeling of being a total bad-ass
Find out for yourself.
The next 4-week course starts soon.
Member price: $119
Non-member price: $159
Invest in yourself and train with confidence.
Spaces are limited.
Enter your details at the top for more information.
Invest in yourself and train with confidence.